Partial Knee Resurfacing with MAKOplasty®
December 11 , 2007
Foundation Surgical Hospital
5420 West Loop South, Suite 3200
Bellaire,TX 77401
Ref: Jerry A Mako Plasty Procedure 10/31/2007
Dear Ms Adelung and Ms Greer,
As top executivesof FoundationSurgical Hospital, I am writing youto inform you of my progress and thankfulness over the Mako Plasty procedure my surgeon, Dr. Stefan Kreuzer, performed on my right knee 10/3112007. His great skill, the Mako Surgical Mako Plasty compute rand the wonderful staffand medical environment of Foundation Surgical Hospital made the outcome for mebetter than I could have ever imagined. I feel thatmy recovery will continue as it has over the last six weeks and forthis I will be eternally grateful.
I have shared this information with family and friends aroundthe country andmy Rotary District Governorof Rotary International ( plans to put the information on our district web site. Wehave over 4000 Rotarians in thisdistrict I haveattached a copy afmy letter to theRotary District Governor.
I appreciate all who have helped me achieve the results I have made so far. I hope that I will not need yourservices in the future, but it is of great comfort to knowthat the Mako Surgical computer, your hospital and Dr Stefan Kreuzer will be there for me or any other patient when the need arises.
Jerry A.
December 11, 2007
Honorable Jeff Tallas
District Governor Rotary District #5890
Rotary International
Reference: Arthritis – Successful ComputerAided Knee Surgery Report
Dear Governor Jeff,
I am sharing the following information onmy successful knee surgery performed 6 weeks ago. I waited to share thisgreat information withour fellow Rotarians, their family and friends until 6 weekswent by so I could determine that this procedure passed all four parts of the ROTARY 4 Way Test, I ammost happy to say that it does. Please have this posted to ourdistrict web site for .11 to benefit. I do not own stock in the medical equipment manufacture, or receive any compensation from the great doctor or the hospital. My reward is in knowing that others can benefit from my experience.
On 10/31/07 I had a partial knee replacement operation. I walked (sort of) in like a duck,& at 9-30 they took me to the OR& I was back in myroom by 1:00. At I:30 a nurse came & said it was time to walk. Iwalkedwithout a limp,caneor knee pain. The arthritic knee joint cannothave gone past a certain stage. but if a person is there it is like a miracle. If you would like to see this computer drivensurgery info go to http://www.makosurgical.comlmakoptasty.hbn. My surgeon. Dr Stefan Kreuzer (, was very skilful and more than great. and the Mako Surgical computer controlledthe boundaries of thedrill so theholefor the implant was perfect. If a person could usethis procedure, thatwould be wonderful. There are only 5 of these machines in the world, one of which is here inHouston at Foundation Surgical Hospital ( andthere only two surgeons inHouston certified to use the machine. I know in my heart that my doctor is the best! There are a lot of Rotariansas well aso thers with arthritis in the 40 to 70 age group that could benefit.
Please note that I do daily exercisesandtake walks to strengthenmy leg and get the range ofmotion inmy kneeback. It is great towalk without pain (I get very emotional about this!). I also lost 26 poundswhich I needed to do anyway, but good physical shape improves the outcome of anything.
Jerry A